Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ricky Discusses "The Women" On TV


I didn't think Diane English's remake of The Women, one of the worst reviewed films of the year was all that bad - no really. Perhaps it's because I knew in advance there was NO WAY any remake could hold a candle to Our Lady of the Classics. It's got to rank right next to All About Eve and perhaps Valley of the Dolls as one of the penultimate classics for gay men of a certain age. I say "certain age" because I'm not sure what you gay youngsters think of the original or if it's even on your radar screen.

I also liked that English reshaped the material into the familiar format of a sisterhood picture - one not as full of bitchery or as fun to be sure - but this new direction helped distinguish this remake from the original (just as in 1956's remake, The Opposite Sex, in which the men and musical numbers were featured). It's also kinda fun to look at the Rotten Tomatoes ratings and see that very few critics felt as I did, though I am happy to report, Roger Ebert was one of them (maybe we sent good vibes to one another as we watched in the same packed screening room?).

I was invited to discuss my take on the film on a local news program, "Chicago Tonight," and here's the YouTube video for your viewing pleasure:

For my full written review, click HERE.

And here's one more bonus: I also had the opportunity to chat with the forthright and funny Annette Bening about the film and a lot of other stuff for a recent piece for the Chicago Tribune. As is usually the case, much of the material got left out of the print edition so click HERE to read the complete interview.

David and I will return shortly with yet another podcast - we've got some more great but obscure films to recommend. Until then...

Sweet Cinematic Dreams,

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Tearoom - Podcast #5


While away on vacation Ricky spots a public restroom which reminds him of a fascinating little film he recently reviewed by queer underground filmmaker and historian William E. Jones. The movie, which Jones labels a "document" is called Tearoom and not surprisingly, David, who is also something of a historian, had plenty to say about it. A typical fascinating Movie Queens discussion ensues for you to enjoy by clicking


Until next time.

Sweet Cinematic Dreams,

Ricky and David